Membership at The River
What does it mean to be a member of The River?
Below is our “Statement of Faith”, “Mission Statement”, and our “Commitment Statement".
Please read them carefully so that you know whether or not you do in fact share this common Biblical foundation with The River.
What does it mean to be a member of The River? First and foremost it means that you have decided you want to call The River “home”. It means that you believe in the vision and work of this local body of believers, and that you want to formally attach yourself as a family MEMBER. You want to commit to be a faithful part, and that you will help to fulfill the work that God has called us to.
I Corinthians 12 explains to us that every believer is a “member” or “body part” of the Body of Christ, just as a hand, foot, eye, or ear, is a member of the human body. Each part has a unique ability, something to contribute. We learn that a BODY does not exist until the individual members ASSEMBLE TOGETHER.
When we see the word “Church” in the scripture it refers to the GATHERING of believers for worship, preaching, and doing the work of the ministry. If those that have placed faith in Jesus don’t come together there is no church! Believers that live in a particular area are to bind together for fellowship, instruction, and service, and it’s called a church. Each individual believer is called by God to be a consistent, devoted part of a local church. A big part of our own relationship with The Lord is built THROUGH our fellowship in the local church. People who claim they have a relationship with The Lord without being part of the church, haven’t realized what The Lord Himself taught. Without the church we have a very limited fellowship with God. We also cannot hear God fully for our lives without His church.
Fellowshipping, worshipping, praying, supporting, giving, helping, serving; this is what it means to be a MEMBER of a church. You are a body part that helps to complete the entire body and adds to its means express itself, and accomplish its work.
The church family at The River is somewhat unique from many other churches, in that we do not belong to a particular Denominational Organization. Many churches are governed by an overseeing network, and may even have pastors appointed, or voted on by the congregation.
Some churches are founded by a group of people who vote to make all the church decisions, or to find, and hire, a pastor. The River was founded upon the call of God on our pastor. People came to hear the Word and join themselves to the call. Our church is not a voting church, nor is it a church that is ruled by a hierarchy located at a headquarters elsewhere. While we are a registered non-profit, with a board, we operate together with voluntary accountability. We cast vision. We pray together. We listen to each other. We move forward.
Our board carries the legal weight and responsibility of decisions, but the entire body seeks God together for His direction.
The River is called to bring Real Hope for Real Life by Declaring the Gospel, Building the Family of God, and Inspiring our Community around us. Part of the uniqueness of our call is found in the methods we use to connect with the people in our area. Our building is a great example of this. We are literally renovating the building into a “live stage theater”. From this location in the center of our town we will conduct concerts, plays, outreaches, and more, to breathe life and
ministry to everyone we can.
Our pastor went into the ministry at 11 years old using “magic trick” illusions and sleight of hand to capture people’s attention as a bridge to share the Gospel. We are continuing in that same vein. He still uses this ministry today, and we will definitely utilize it as well here.
This is what is meant to be a MEMBER of The River.
About 4 times each year we have a “Membership Sunday.” At the end of our regular Sunday service, Pastor Edwards will call forward, all of those wishing to join the church. Our “Statement of Faith” and “Mission Statement” will be read asking if all requesting membership agree. Everyone will acknowledge by a raised right hand that they agree. After this our will be “Membership Commitment Statement” will be read. At this time you will be added to our church membership and given a certificate of membership.
Attached to this letter is a copy of our “Statement of Faith”, “Mission Statement”, and our “Commitment Statement”. Please read them carefully before membership Sunday so that you know whether or not you do in fact share this common Biblical foundation with The River.
The River Worship Centre is a DBA of D.J. Edwards Ministries, Inc., which is a 501 c3 non-profit organization. All financial reports are available upon request from the church office.
Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE in one God, who exists in three Persons — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is loving, holy and just.
WE BELIEVE that the Bible is God’s Word. It is inspired and accurate. It is our perfect guide in all matters of life.
WE BELIEVE that sin has separated us all from God, and that only through Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is both God and Man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.
WE BELIEVE that salvation is the gift of God to man. This gift is effected by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and it results in works pleasing to God.
WE BELIEVE that water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of God and a testimony of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He guides us in all areas of our lives. He also blesses us with spiritual gifts and empowers us to yield the fruit of the Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Communion is a celebration of Jesus’ death and our remembrance of Him.
WE BELIEVE that God wants to transform, heal and prosper us, so that we can live blessed and victorious lives that will impact and help others.
WE BELIEVE that we are called to preach the gospel to all nations.
While these statements give a general proclamation of Biblical tenants of the faith, it will also help people to know that The River Worship Centre is an Independent, Non-Denominational, Pentecostal congregation that believes the Unconditional Eternal Security of the Believer (Once Saved, Always Saved).
mission statement
Our mission is to preach THE GOSPEL! The good news is that Jesus came, Jesus died and Jesus lives again!We want to stand against the false gospel of rules, regulations and religion and give people the life changing LOVE, GRACE, MERCY AND FORGIVENESS OF THE LORD! This simple Gospel truth is what looses the power of the Holy Spirit to save the lost, and equip the saved.
We believe that we are to:
DECLARE the Truth
BUILD relationships
INSPIRE our communities.
We are called to give REAL HOPE for REAL LIFE.
Member Commitment Statement
“I have read and agree with statement of faith set forth by The River Worship Centre and believe it to be doctrinally sound with the Word of God.
I believe The River Worship Centre holds to these truths in word and practice.
I believe The River Worship Centre is called to and is carrying out Biblical ministry.
I wish to join myself to the work and vision of The River Worship Centre.
I am giving my word now that I will be faithful in:
1. The faithful attendance to weekly services.
2. The giving of my finances.
3. The giving of my time, services, and talents.
4. I will also be a good representative of my Lord, Jesus Christ, and my local congregation, The River, in my speech and practice. One of the ways I will do this is by being a good witness in what I post, share, comment on, and react to on social media, avoided vulgarity, language, and messages that would not be becoming of a Christian witness.